Cardiology in the Shelter
January 2018
Learn about anesthetic considerations for dogs and cats with suspected cardiac issues.
Advanced Foster Program Management: Taking Your Foster Program to the Next Level
January 2018
If you have an established shelter foster program, learn how to establish clear pathways and procedures for moving fosters in and out of the shelter; how to recruit fosters on the cheap, and much more!
Animal Shelter Volunteer Management
January 2018
Want to learn some of the ASPCA's best practices around volunteer management?
Behavioral Pharmacology: Problems in Sheltered Dogs and Cats, Part 1
January 2018
A variety of common behavior problems experienced by dogs and cats in sheltered situations. Part 1 shows examples of working with sheltered cats.
Behavioral Pharmacology: Problems in Sheltered Dogs and Cats, Part 2
January 2018
A variety of common behavior problems experienced by dogs and cats in sheltered situations will be presented. Part 2 shows examples of working with dogs in the shelter.
Collaboration in the Animal Welfare Community
January 2018
Animal welfare organizations come in many shapes and sizes, each with its own mission, approach to addressing animal welfare issues, and varying resources.
Common Blood-borne Parasites of Cats and Dogs in Shelters
January 2018
This presentation reviews common blood-borne parasites of cats and dogs that may be of importance in a shelter setting.
Common Intestinal Parasites of Cats and Dogs in Shelters
January 2018
This presentation reviews common intestinal parasites of cats and dogs, their life cycles and transmission, diagnostic tests that can be done in a shelter setting and practical treatments for animals in shelters.
Dermatology in the Shelter: Recognition and Management of Common Conditions
January 2018
Learn about skin conditions that are some of the most common ailments of animals entering shelters in this quiz-show, case based presentation.
Fundamentals for the 21st Century Grant Seeker
January 2018
In this presentation, attendees learn about the distinguishing characteristics of the three types of grant makers - foundations, corporate funders and public charities -and why those differences matter.
Hiring for Culture
January 2018
Peter Drucker first said "Culture eats strategy for lunch" and since then, organizational culture has become a buzzword and a way of life for organizational development consultants.
Infectious Disease Outbreak Management
January 2018
Learn how to define an outbreak, what common types of diseases cause outbreaks in shelters, the shelter's ideal response to an outbreak, and more!
Orthopedic Surgery and Care in the Shelter
January 2018
Shelters commonly encounter dogs and cats with orthopedic injuries. These cases may be challenging to manage, particularly when treatment options may be restricted by limited resources.
Setting Yourself Up for Success: Using Capacity for Care to Transform Your Shelter, Part 1
January 2018
Understanding and operating within our capacity for care is a key foundational step in starting a positive cycle where we can provide a greater level of care for a greater number of animals using the resources we already have.
Setting Yourself Up for Success: Using Capacity for Care to Transform Your Shelter, Part 2
January 2018
Learn more about Setting Yourself Up for Success: Using Capacity for Care to Transform Your Shelter in Part 2.
Shaping the Future for Animals
January 2018
This presentation covers the basics of humane education, including considerations when launching a program, developing programs for different age groups.
Veterinary Psychopharmaceuticals and their Use in Shelter Medicine
January 2018
Psychopharmaceuticals can be a helpful tool to manage and address behavior concerns in sheltered pets.